Successful implementation of a quality management system is conditioned by implication of the top management of SME. ISO 9001 gives a special importance of the commitment of the top management obviously defining its role in the quality management system. It is underlined the promoting the leadership principle in practice as a base for operational the others principles of the quality management system.
The commitment and active implication of the top management are essential for developing, implementation and maintaining an efficient and efficacy quality system management, having as a final purpose ensuring an increasing clients’ satisfaction.
To achieve such a desideratum, top management must consider the following actions:
· defining the visions, policies and strategic objectives of SME;
· direct participation of the management to improving projects;
· obtaining the feedback regarding efficiency and efficacy of the processes of making the products;
· developing an environment that encourages the involving of the personnel;
· ensuring the necessary resources for achieving the objectives.
Top management defines the methods of the performances of SME to determine the stage of achievement the objectives.
These methods must allow the evaluation:
· financial performances of SME;
· performances of the processes of SME;
· client’s satisfaction, personnel’s and other interested parts’ satisfaction;
· other success factors identified by management.
Information that results from such evaluations are used as incoming elements for the analysis done by management for continue improving of the quality management system, that must ensure the base for improving
the performances of SME.
In this way, top management can demonstrate its commitment through:
· understanding the necessities and present expectations and client’s perspective;
· promoting policies and objectives for increasing the awareness and implication of the personnel in SME;
· adopting the principle of continue improving as a base principle for the processes of SME.
· Rigorous planning of all processes of SME and to operate the changes;
· ensuring an adequate background to satisfy the requirements of the interested parts.
Top management has to involve directly in identification the processes of fabrication the products because these are directly tied by SME’s success. Also, a special attention must be paid on identification of those reliance processes that affects either the efficacy and efficiency of the processes of fabrication of the products of SME, or the necessities and expectations of the interested parts.
The management of SMEs should ensure that the processes are carried out as an efficacious and efficient net. For this it should be analyzed and got at its best the interaction of all processes. In this purpose it must consider the following aspects:
· ensuring the sequence and interaction between processes are in that way designed so they allow getting the desired results;
· ensuring that incoming and outgoing elements are obvious defined and are kept under control;
· monitoring the incoming and outgoing elements to check if the processes are correlated and carried out efficacious and efficient;
· identification and administrate the risks and to turn to account the opportunities of improving
· doing the analysis of the information for continuously improving of the processes;
· designating the responsible of the processes;
· ensuring that every process is managed so that it allows the achievement of the established objectives;
· defining the necessities and expectations of the interested parts.
Top management can present proves regarding its commitment for developing and implementation of the quality management system as well as for continuously improving of its efficacy through:
· communication of the importance of satisfaction of the clients’ requirements in SME, as well as legal requirements;
· defining the policy and objectives regarding the quality;
· managing the analysis of the quality management system;
· ensuring the necessary resources for the achievement of the objectives.
One of the main tasks that top management has to accomplish refers to defining the policy in the quality field. There is no form of standard presentation, but the policy must be in such way formulated so it ensure:
· getting client’s satisfaction as a main goal;
· clarifying the way in which it is ensured the quality of the products and services of SME;
· explicit commitment of the management regarding continue improving of the quality;
· assuming by the management the responsibility regarding the achievement of the objectives regarding quality.
Policy will be implemented through the objectives regarding the quality, that should be measurable. The more participation of the top management is more direct and more visible, the more the necessary period will be shorter for establishing and implementation of the quality system management, on one hand because of the availability of the resources and on the other hand because of a less bureaucratic approach that top management of SME has in this case.
When it is decided the implementation of a quality management system or it is approved an improving schedule of this, it is vital to exist an obvious understanding of the estimated duration and necessary resources from the management. Often, the initiatives regarding the quality management system fail because of this commitment is missing, especially from the top management.